At Red Rabbit we love all things coffee, our passionate staff, our amazing customers and of course Aotearoa/New Zealand and the many benefits it brings living here like surfing (one of Steve's favourite sports)!
And that's great, but as a company we wanted to show our appreciation for all this community support we receive by way of sales/koha at our cafes, partner cafes and online, so we have decided to have a formal way to give back / pay it forward scheme over and above our other regular yearly community initiatives like...
So the team has thought long and hard about this, and we challenged ourselves to find what is the best way to achieve this sustainably and where it will give the greatest impact/benefit to all communities across NZ and we have come up with this pretty awesome initiative!
On the 1st September 2020 we have officially launched our ‘Giving Back’ community initiative
So how will this work? There are two offerings as below, please head over to the ‘Giving Back’ page to find out more on how it all works and how charities can apply.
Offering 1 - 50% Discount on all Roasted Coffee for NFP registered charities or NGO’s
Offering 2 – Builds on Offering 1, but also includes 1 x Free Filter Brewing Machine and 500g a week of filter coffee (conditions apply of course)
So we believe these offerings are a triple win, as all our subscribers now know they are supporting a charity/NFP indirectly, Red Rabbit Coffee Co. is giving back, and together we have fuelled/caffeinated/recognised these incredibly important and hardworking charities/NFP that are part of our social fabric that truly helps make New Zealand such a special place.
Keen on knowing more or seeing how you can help? Just head over to the ‘Giving Back’ page or drop us a message or call Adrian on 021 866338 or email givingback @